
〈 Spe­cial exhibition

In the win­ter of 2024–2025 the fol­lo­wing Gio­van­ni Segan­ti­ni works are on dis­play in the Segan­ti­ni Museum:


First exhi­bi­ti­on room (clock­wi­se, start­ing from the left of the entrance)

Self Por­trait, 1893
Con­té pen and pen­cil on paper

The angel of life, 1894–96
Con­té pen on paper, moun­ted on cardboard

The angel of life, 1896
Colou­red pen­cil, pas­tel and gol­den colou­red pen­cil on paper

Ave Maria in the moun­ta­ins, 1881–1883
Con­té pen­cil, black and colou­red chalk on paper

Ave Maria crossing the lake, 1890–1892
Black con­té pen and pen­cil, high­ligh­ted in white on blue-green cardboard


Ave Maria crossing the lake, 1886
Oil on canvas


Savo­gnin in win­ter, 1890
Oil on canvas

At the thaw, 1888
Oil on canvas

Return from the forest, 1890
Oil on canvas


Life (La vita), 1898
Char­co­al and con­te pen­cil on paper

Natu­re (La natu­ra), 1898
Char­co­al and con­te pen­cil on paper

Death (La mor­te), 1898
Char­co­al and con­te pen­cil on paper


Girl with lamb in her arms, 1882–1883
Oil on canvas

Por­trait of Mrs. Lui­sa Tor­el­li-Taglia­bue, 1880
Oil on canvas

Por­trait of Mrs. Maria Par­odi, ca 1886
Oil on canvas


2nd exhi­bi­ti­on room or cabi­net (clock­wi­se, start­ing on the left of the entrance)

Father is dead, 1882
Oil on canvas

Cold Novem­ber day, 1883–84
Oil on canvas


The bles­sing of the sheep, ca 1884
Oil on canvas

The kiss of the cross, 1881–82
Oil on canvas


Ear­ly mass, 1884–86
Oil on canvas


Hay Har­ve­st, 1888/1898
Oil on canvas


Cupo­la hall

Life (La vita), 1896–1899
Oil on canvas

Natu­re (La natu­ra), 1897–1899
Oil on canvas

Death (La mor­te), 1896–1899
Oil on canvas