
Below is the enti­re inven­to­ry of dra­wings at the Segan­ti­ni Muse­um lis­ted in chro­no­lo­gi­cal order.

Ave Maria in the Moun­ta­ins, 1881–1883
Con­té cray­on, black and colo­red cray­on on paper, 53.3 x 41.5 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, 1929

Slee­ping She­p­herd, 1882
Con­té cray­on and pen­cil on paper, 49.3 x 65.9 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Swiss Con­fe­de­ra­ti­on, gift of J. C. J. Dru­cker, Lon­don, 1912

Small Sheep, 1883–1885
Con­té cray­on, heigh­ten­ed with white, on paper, 20 x 28.3 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Swiss Con­fe­de­ra­ti­on, gift of J. C. J. Dru­cker, Lon­don, 1912

Folio of Dra­wings, 1884
Plas­ter reli­ef on wood, 54.5 x 40.5 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, 1986

The Shawm Play­er, 1885–1887
Con­té cray­on and black cray­on on paper, 47.5 x 32.6 cm
Gift of Ida Barth, Thal­wil, 1934

Dre­a­ming She­p­herd Girl, 1886–1887
Con­té cray­on, black cray­on and pen­cil on paper, 37.5 x 25.2 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Swiss Con­fe­de­ra­ti­on, gift of J. C. J. Dru­cker, Lon­don, 1912

Cold Novem­ber Day, ca. 1887
Con­té cray­on, the light crea­ted with the aid of an era­ser on white paper, 26.5 x 45.6 cm
Gift of J. C. J. Dru­cker, Lon­don, um 1950

Dead Hero, ca. 1887
Con­té cray­on, och­re-colo­red pas­tel and gold dust on paper, 36.5 x 23.1 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, 1911–1913

Storm in the Alps, 1888–1889
Pen­cil on paper, 42.8 x 59.5 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, 2011

My Models, 1890
Con­té cray­on, light-brown and grey-blue colo­red pen­cils on paper, 26.9 x 37.8 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, 1927

Ave Maria Crossing the Lake, 1890–1892
Black Con­té cray­on and pen­cil, white high­lights on blue-green rag paper­board, 24,4 x 37,8 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, 1935

Return to the Sheep Shed, 1891–1892
Char­co­al and white cray­on on paper, 32.6 x 41 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Otto Fisch­ba­cher Gio­van­ni Segan­ti­ni Foundation

Self-por­trait, 1893
Con­té cray­on and pen­cil on paper, 35.5 x 25.5 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Otto Fisch­ba­cher Gio­van­ni Segan­ti­ni Foundation

The Angel of Life, 1894–1896
Con­té cray­on on paper, moun­tain on card­board, 41.6 x 34 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Otto Fisch­ba­cher Gio­van­ni Segan­ti­ni Foundation

Self-por­trait, 1895
Char­co­al and traces of gold par­tic­les on can­vas, 58.5 x 49.5 cm
Gift of the Oskar Bern­hard fami­ly, 1948

The Angel of Life, 1896
Cray­on, pas­tel and gold pen­cil on paper, Con­té cray­on on white paper, 65 x 48 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, 1953

The Annun­cia­ti­on of the New Word, 1896
Black cray­on, white high­lights, on card­board, 49.9 x 38.6 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, 1929

Spring­time in the Alps, 1897
Char­co­al and Con­té cray­on, heigh­ten­ed with white cray­on, on card­board, 56.3 x 106.4 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, 1949

Sketch of the Pavi­li­on for the Enga­di­ne Pan­ora­ma, 1897
Char­co­al, black cray­on and Con­té cray­on on paper, moun­ted on card­board, 52.7 x 53.2 cm
Gift of the Dr. Oskar Bern­hard fami­ly, 1921

Sowing Seed (Pro­pa­gan­da), 1897
Con­té cray­on and black cray­on on paper, 63 x 53.8 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, 1927

Bel­ve­de­re Cast­le on the Malo­ja Pass, ca. 1898
Black char­co­al on joi­n­ed paper, 92 x 104 cm
Gift of the Segan­ti­ni fami­ly, 1991

Sketch for Death (La Mor­te), 1898–1899
Con­té cray­on, black cray­on, high­ligh­ted with white cray­on, on card­board, 85 x 153 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, 1949

Life (La vita), 1898
Char­co­al and Con­té cray­on on paper, 137 x 108 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Foun­da­ti­on for Art, Cul­tu­re and Histo­ry, Win­ter­thur, 1982

Natu­re (La natu­ra), 1898
Char­co­al and Con­té cray­on on paper, 137 x 127 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Foun­da­ti­on for Art, Cul­tu­re and Histo­ry, Win­ter­thur, 1982

Death (La mor­te), 1898
Char­co­al and Con­té cray­on on paper, 137 x 108 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Foun­da­ti­on for Art, Cul­tu­re and Histo­ry, Win­ter­thur, 1982

The Ava­lan­che, 1899
Pen­cil on beige paper, 75.5 x 47 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, 1949