
All the colors of the snow*
Alpine winter landscapes by Giovanni Segantini, Giovanni Giacometti, Edoardo Berta and their Italian Divisionist colleagues
10 December 2024 — 20 April 2025
Vernissage: Sunday, December 15, 5:30 p.m.
Admission is free. An aperitif will be offered.
The association “Chesas da cultura Engiadina” is organizing a joint exhibition from May 2024 to April 2025, featuring 14 cultural institutions (museums, artists’ studios, libraries and archives) from the Upper Engadine. The overarching theme, “Splendur e sumbriva – Light and Shadow in the Engadine”, will be interpreted and presented differently in each of the individual institutions, depending on their focus.
The summer exhibition at the Segantini Museum (20.5.–20.10.2024) focused on a group of little-known early works by Segantini, created from 1879 to 1881, in which the artist proved to be a bold experimenter in his search for mostly astounding light effects, achieved primarily through strongly accentuated light-dark contrasts.
In keeping with the season, the winter exhibition focuses on snow, a motif that has inspired painters since time immemorial.
Visitors have the opportunity to experience Giovanni Segantini’s mature winter landscapes in dialogue with those of some of his contemporaries on both sides of the Alps. While Giovanni Giacometti from Bergell, who was Segantini’s pupil until his death, studied the winter Alpine light and the colors of the snow in their chromatic effects and avoided any symbolic glorification, the snowy landscape in “Funerale bianco” by Edoardo Berta from Ticino and in “Da una legenda alpina” by Carlo Fornara from Piedmont, acquires an allegorical value and becomes the subject of philosophical reflection. In addition to the artists mentioned, the Divisionists Cesare Maggi, Angelo Morbelli and Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo are also represented in the exhibition. One of the highlights of the show is Segantini’s Divisionist masterpiece “Savognino d’inverno” from 1890, which is rarely exhibited in Switzerland and comes from a private collection.
*‘All the colours of the snow’ is also the title of a highly successful book by author Angelika Overath.