Summer 2021: June 1st – October 20th
«We have to admit that the portrait is the most sophisticated
in the artistic and pictorial» - Giovanni Segantini as master of the portrait
Special exhibition curated by Prof. Annie-Paule Quinsac and Dr. Mirella Carbone
Giovanni Segantini became famous during his lifetime as a landscape painter, even as a great innovator of Alpine painting. He himself, however, considered another genre of painting to be the noblest, namely portraiture, as it «aims to explore the human face». Portraits are studies «which, with the greatest simplicity of means, embrace the most effective word of art in the expression of living form».
Although many portraits by Segantini’s hand have been exhibited frequently, they have never been at the centre of an explicit debate. The Segantini Museum would like to close this gap with a small but high-quality selection of portraits (and self-portraits) from public and private collections. The exhibition includes very intimate drawings, such as those of the three-year-old son Gottardo after an operation, as well as representative paintings such as the portraits of the siblings Vittore and Leopoldina Grubicy, which are among the most beautiful examples of Segantini’s talent as an «explorer of the human face».