Sum­mer 2021: June 1st – Octo­ber 20th

«We have to admit that the por­trait is the most sophisticated
in the artis­tic and pic­to­ri­al» - Gio­van­ni Segan­ti­ni as mas­ter of the portrait

Spe­cial exhi­bi­ti­on cura­ted by Prof. Annie-Pau­le Quin­sac and Dr. Mirel­la Carbone

Gio­van­ni Segan­ti­ni beca­me famous during his life­time as a land­scape pain­ter, even as a gre­at inno­va­tor of Alpi­ne pain­ting. He hims­elf, howe­ver, con­side­red ano­ther gen­re of pain­ting to be the noblest, name­ly por­trai­tu­re, as it «aims to explo­re the human face». Por­traits are stu­dies «which, with the grea­test sim­pli­ci­ty of means, embrace the most effec­ti­ve word of art in the expres­si­on of living form».

Alt­hough many por­traits by Segantini’s hand have been exhi­bi­ted fre­quent­ly, they have never been at the cent­re of an expli­cit deba­te. The Segan­ti­ni Muse­um would like to clo­se this gap with a small but high-qua­li­ty sel­ec­tion of por­traits (and self-por­traits) from public and pri­va­te coll­ec­tions. The exhi­bi­ti­on includes very inti­ma­te dra­wings, such as tho­se of the three-year-old son Got­tar­do after an ope­ra­ti­on, as well as repre­sen­ta­ti­ve pain­tings such as the por­traits of the siblings Vit­to­re and Leo­pol­di­na Gru­bicy, which are among the most beau­tiful examp­les of Segantini’s talent as an «explo­rer of the human face».


Ritratto di giovane signora di profilo

Gio­va­ne signo­ra di profilo
Fon­da­zio­ne Ernes­to Con­rad, Poschiavo

Vit­to­re Grubicy
Muse­um der bil­den­den Küns­te, Lipsia