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Below is the enti­re inven­to­ry of pain­tings at the Segan­ti­ni Museum.


Por­trait of Mrs. Tor­el­li, 1880
Oil on can­vas, 100 x 74 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, tog­e­ther with the Gott­fried Kel­ler Foun­da­ti­on, 2022

El Redefoss,Landscape stu­dy from Bri­anza, ca 1881
Oil on can­vas, 65,5 x 39,5 cm
Gift of the Dr. Oskar Bern­hard fami­ly, 1950

Roses, ca. 1881
Oil on wood, 65.8 x 35.2 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, ca. 1950

Kis­sing the Cross, 1881–1882
Oil on can­vas, 85.5 x 48 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Otto Fisch­ba­cher Gio­van­ni Segan­ti­ni Foundation

Self-por­trait, ca. 1882
Oil on can­vas, 52 x 38.5 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Gott­fried Kel­ler Foun­da­ti­on, 1934

Pike and Roses, ca. 1882
Oil on wood, 34.8 x 54.7 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, 1947

Father is Dead, 1882
Oil on can­vas, 63.5 x 40.7 cm
Dona­ted by André Herold, Malo­ja, 2005

Still Life with Dead Jay, 1882
Oil on can­vas, 38.2 x 29.4 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Muni­ci­pa­li­ty of St. Moritz, 1980

Cow in Shed, 1882–1883
Oil on can­vas, 87 x 60.8 cm
Gift of Dr. Oskar Bern­hard fami­ly, 1950

Girl with Lamb in Her Arms, 1882–1883
Oil on can­vas, 55.8 x 38 cm
Lega­cy of Dr. Rudolf Fried­rich, Winterthur

She­p­herd in Love, 1882–1883
Oil on can­vas, 47,5 x 84 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, 1938

She­p­herd in Love, 1882–1883
Oil on can­vas, 58.7 x 43.3 cm
Gift of Charles and Mat­hil­de Kie­fer-Hablit­zel, Lucer­ne, 1950

Cold Novem­ber Day, 1883–1884
Oil on can­vas, 30 x 43.2 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Swiss Con­fe­de­ra­ti­on, gift of J. C. J. Dru­cker, Lon­don, 1912

Still Life with Dead Rab­bit, 1884
Oil on can­vas, 55.2 x 43.2 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Muni­ci­pa­li­ty of St. Moritz

The Bles­sing of the Sheep, ca. 1884
Oil on can­vas, 198 x 120 cm
Gift of Dr. Oskar Bern­hard fami­ly, 1950

Vase of Aza­leas, 1884–1885
Oil on can­vas, 101 x 40.2 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Gott­fried Kel­ler Foun­da­ti­on, 1934

Ear­ly Mass, 1885
Oil on can­vas, 108 x 211 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Otto Fisch­ba­cher Gio­van­ni Segan­ti­ni Foundation

Por­trait of a Dead Man, 1884–1886
Oil on can­vas, 40.5 x 59.4 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Gott­fried Kel­ler Foun­da­ti­on, 1981

Mush­rooms, 1886
Oil on can­vas, 56.4 x 79 cm
Gift of Eri­ca Bern­hard, 1972

Ave Maria Crossing the Lake, 1886
Oil on can­vas, 121.2 x 92.2 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Otto Fisch­ba­cher Gio­van­ni Segan­ti­ni Foundation

Still Life with Fish, 1886
Oil on can­vas, 56.5 x 111 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, 1931

Por­trait of Mrs Maria Par­odi, ca. 1886
Oil on can­vas moun­ted on card­board, 32.9 x 24 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, 2018

Bathing a Child, 1886–1887
Oil on can­vas, 65 x 49.5 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, 1911–1913

Sheep-shea­ring, 1886–1887
Oil on can­vas, 65 x 49.5 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, 1911–1913

The Water-car­ri­er, 1886–1887
Oil on can­vas, 74 x 45.5 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Gott­fried Kel­ler Foun­da­ti­on, acqui­si­ti­on by the Can­ton of Grau­bün­den, Gott­fried Kel­ler Foun­da­ti­on and the Muni­ci­pa­li­ty of St. Moritz, 1994

Gri­sons woman at the foun­tain, 1887
Oil on can­vas, 54.5 x 78.5 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Otto Fisch­ba­cher Gio­van­ni Segan­ti­ni Foundation

Return to the Sheep Shed, 1888
Oil on can­vas, 79 x 133 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Otto Fisch­ba­cher Gio­van­ni Segan­ti­ni Foundation

During the Thaw, 1888
Oil on can­vas, 66.5 x 97.5 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Otto Fisch­ba­cher Gio­van­ni Segan­ti­ni Foundation

Hay Har­ve­st, 1888/1898
Oil on can­vas, 137 x 149 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Muni­ci­pa­li­ty of St. Moritz, bequest by Adolf Ben­sin­ger, Mann­heim, 1939

Return from the Wood, 1890
Oil on can­vas, 64 x 95.4 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Otto Fisch­ba­cher Gio­van­ni Segan­ti­ni Foundation

Mid­day in the Alps, 1891
Oil on can­vas, 78 x 71,5 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Otto Fisch­ba­cher Gio­van­ni Segan­ti­ni Foundation

Dead Roe-Deer, 1892
Oil on can­vas, 55.5 x 96.5 cm
Gift of the Dr. Oskar Bern­hard fami­ly, ca. 1950

Brown Cow at the Trough, 1892
Oil on can­vas, 74.4 x 61.5 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Otto Fisch­ba­cher Gio­van­ni Segan­ti­ni Foundation

Life (La vita), 1896–1899
Oil on can­vas, 192.5 x 321.5 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Gott­fried Kel­ler Foun­da­ti­on, 1911

Natu­re (La natu­ra), 1897–1899
Oil on can­vas, 236 x 402.5 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Gott­fried Kel­ler Foun­da­ti­on, 1911

Death (La mor­te), 1896–1899
Oil on can­vas, 192.5 x 321.5 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Gott­fried Kel­ler Foun­da­ti­on, 1911

Pine Branch, ca. 1897
Oil on can­vas, 78.3 x 33.2 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, 1959