About us

〈 Socie­ty


As a mem­ber you sup­port the Socie­ty for the Segan­ti­ni Muse­um, which in turn sup­ports the Segan­ti­ni Muse­um. You can enjoy more cul­tu­re in the Enga­di­ne: free admis­si­on to the Segan­ti­ni Muse­um, invi­ta­ti­ons to exhi­bi­ti­on ope­nings, inte­res­t­ing events and cul­tu­ral trips.

Annual fees

Indi­vi­du­al members CHF 30.00
Mar­ried couples CHF 50.00
Com­pa­nies CHF 150.00
Plea­se use the regis­tra­ti­on form

Fami­lie Segantini