Works by other artists

Below is the enti­re inven­to­ry of works by other artists at the Segan­ti­ni Muse­um lis­ted in chro­no­lo­gi­cal order.

Pao­lo Tru­betz­koy, 1866–1937 | Segan­ti­ni bust, 1896
Bron­ze, 110 x 55 x 42 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Muni­ci­pa­li­ty of St. Moritz, 1908–1911

Gio­van­ni Gia­co­metti, 1868–1933 | Gio­van­ni Segan­ti­ni on his Death­bed, Sept. 28, 1899
Oil on can­vas, 55.2 x 50.2 cm
Acqui­si­ti­on, 1924

Leo­nar­do Bis­tol­fi, 1859–1943 | Marb­le monu­ment to Segan­ti­ni, ca. 1904
White Car­ra­ra marb­le, 303 x 150 x 160 cm
On per­ma­nent loan from the Muni­ci­pa­li­ty of St. Moritz, 1908–1911

Gio­van­ni Gia­co­metti, 1868–1933 | Exodus, 1928
Oil on can­vas, 120 x 111 cm
Gift of Lucie Schmid­hei­ny-Mey­er, Céli­gny, 2000, on per­ma­nent loan at the Ciä­sa Gran­da Muse­um, Stampa