Guided tours for groups

A gui­ded tour of the Segan­ti­ni exhi­bi­ti­on lasts around 45 minu­tes and is limi­t­ed to a maxi­mum of 20 peo­p­le. For space reasons, reser­va­tions are man­da­to­ry for all groups.

Own guided tours

Gui­ded tours that are not con­duc­ted by muse­um staff are sub­ject to a char­ge. Plea­se book tours at least three days in advance.

Gui­ded tours are only pos­si­ble out­side nor­mal ope­ning hours.

The fol­lo­wing times and dates are available:
May 20 to Octo­ber 20 and Decem­ber 10 to April 20

9:00 to 11:00 a.m. and after 5:00 pm.

Plea­se cont­act us for reservations.